Bonn Climate Change Talks - March 2009

Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
The Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA took place from Sunday 29 March to Wednesday 8 April 2009 in Maritim, Bonn. It was the first of five planned negotiating sessions before COP 15 in Copenhagen in December.

Seventh session of the AWG-KP

In 2009 the Group will focus on agreeing on further commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol. Such an agreement will emerge as the Group develops: A text for any proposed amendments pursuant to Article 3.9 of the Kyoto Protocol, and a text on the issues outlined in paragraph 49 of document FCCC/KP/AWG/2008/8. At its seventh session, the AWG-KP discussed issues identified in paragraph 49 of document FCCC/KP/AWG/2008/8. It also considered four notes prepared by the Chair with a view to advancing work on the aforementioned texts. The seventh session of the AWG-KP was preceded by a number of preparatory events (160 kB) to allow Parties to focus in on detailed issues in preparation for the negotiations during the seventh session. One in-session workshop and one pre-sessional workshop were held.

More on AWG-KP Fifth session of the AWG-LCA

The AWG-LCA had before it a document prepared to further focus the negotiating process on the fulfilment of the Bali Action Plan and on the components of the agreed outcome to be adopted at COP 15. The document describes areas of convergence in the ideas and proposals of Parties, explores options for dealing with areas of divergence, and identifies any gaps that might need to be filled in reaching an agreed outcome. This document builds upon the ideas and proposals of Parties and document FCCC/AWGLCA/2008/16/Rev.1 and takes account of further submissions received from Parties by 6 February 2009
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